Picture of Jude: Contending For The Faith

Jude: Contending For The Faith

In a day and age when our post-modern society prefers relativism over truth, Jude’s message is as relevant as ever.
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In verse 3 of his letter, Jude tells us that his intention in writing this short epistle was to encourage the saints to earnestly contend for the faith. The need for his message was evident, as ungodly men stealthily encroached upon the church, bringing with them false and lying doctrines which sought to change the message of the Gospel and weaken its effect. This danger still exists within the church today. In this 5-part study series, Pastor Jack Abeelen seeks to shed light on this message and echo Jude’s challenge to today’s Christians to pick up the fight, and earnestly contend for the faith.  

This album contains the following studies:

09ID1249, 09ID1250, 09ID1251, 09ID1252, 09ID1253

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