Today On Growing Thru Grace

2/21/2025 - 1 Corinthians 7:8-40
God's Word on Love and Marriage
And having addressed the parameters and guidelines for the husband and wife in marriage found in 1 Corinthians 7 the question now is, "What about the rest, the unmarried, the widow, etc..." Our teacher will finish Chapter 7 by looking at verses 8-40 and examine all these other scenarios and what the Lord tells us as believers. Here's Pastor Jack.

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Previously Aired Broadcasts

DateStudy #TitleListenBuy
2/21/202524ID3723AGod's Word on Love and Marriage
2/20/202524ID3722BTo Marry or Not?
2/19/202524ID3722ATo Marry or Not?
2/18/202524ID3721BWhat of Our Freedom in Christ
2/17/202524ID3721AWhat of Our Freedom in Christ
2/14/202524ID3720BCourting Sin
2/13/202524ID3720ACourting Sin
2/12/202524ID3719BTaking Sin Seriously
2/11/202524ID3719ATaking Sin Seriously
2/10/202524ID3718BPaul Loves Them Sternly
2/7/202524ID3718APaul Loves Them Sternly
2/6/202524ID3717BSome Judgments to Consider
2/5/202524ID3717ASome Judgments to Consider
2/4/202524ID3716BA Carnal Church
2/3/202524ID3716AA Carnal Church
1/31/202524ID3715BNow That's Wisdom!
1/30/202524ID3715ANow That's Wisdom!
1/29/202524ID3714BWhat the Cross Did for Me
1/28/202524ID3714AWhat the Cross Did for Me
1/27/202524ID3713BAn Optimistic Outlook
1/24/202524ID3713AAn Optimistic Outlook
1/23/202524ID4336BPeter's Restoration
1/22/202524ID4336APeter's Restoration
1/21/202524ID4335CResurrection Evening
1/20/202524ID4334BResurrection Afternoon
1/17/202524ID4334AResurrection Afternoon
1/16/202524ID4333CResurrection Morning
1/15/202524ID4332BWhat Kind of a Disciple Are You?
1/14/202524ID4332AWhat Kind of a Disciple Are You?
1/13/202524ID4331CThe Crucifixion (Part 3)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 ...
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