Worldwide Evangelism Begins
Acts 13:5-13
We find in this study Saul, who becomes Paul, and Barnabas embarking on the very first missionary journey with their first stop on the island of Cyprus, which is Barnabas' home. Heading across the island they come to the town of Paphos where they encounter the proconsul named Sergius Paulus. We are told that he wanted to hear the Word of God, but as Paul began to share with him, the enemy tried to hinder Paul's witness by way of a false prophet whose name was Bar-Jesus. But, Paul, filled with the Holy Spirit, rebuked this man and the Lord struck him with a temporary blindness resulting in the proconsul coming to faith. As Paul and Barnabas journeyed northward, John Mark, who was part of the team, decided this was not for him and returned home.
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