The Navigator Bible Studies Handbook
Why rely on someone else's study notes when you can unearth the Bible's treasures on your own? This revised and updated handbook from the Navigators will equip you with indispensable skills for a lifetime of reflection on the Word. You'll learn the principles for effective inductive study and time-tested methods like ABC Bible study, question & answer study, verse analysis, and much more. Includes reproducible forms.
Author: NavPress
From Pastor Jack:
This handy, small book has been around for many years and I still find it to be the best book you can use to help you begin to understand how to prepare Bible studies in a systematic way. Whether you are looking to do a study verse by verse, topically, of a Bible character, a whole book, or a Bible topic, this book is for you. Filled with easy-to-follow outlines and examples, it will be a real help in searching the Scriptures and sharing your faith. I could not recommend it more highly!
Product Description:
Why rely on someone else's study notes when you can unearth the Bible's treasures on your own? This revised and updated handbook from the Navigators will equip you with indispensable skills for a lifetime of reflection on the Word. You'll learn the principles for effective inductive study and time-tested methods like ABC Bible study, question & answer study, verse analysis, and much more. Includes reproducible forms.