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Learning to Walk with God

Picture of Learning to Walk with God
In this 15 part series, Pastor Jack teaches the rewards of obeying God with topical studies from the Old and New Testaments.
CD Album
$37.99 (USD)  

Lesser Known Bible Characters MP3

Picture of Lesser Known Bible Characters MP3
In this series by Pastor Jack Abeelen, he focuses on some of the Bible characters that can easily go unnoticed.
MP3 Album
$19.99 (USD)  

Life In The Body

Picture of Life In The Body
In this series of studies from Matthew 18, Pastor Jack guides us through the Lord's teaching on handling personal relationships by humbling ourselves, lovingly confronting sin, and always forgiving.
$14.00 (USD)  
$24.99 (USD)  

Living Out Our Faith

Picture of Living Out Our Faith
Have you struggled with the practicality of Christianity or asked “How do I live out my faith day by day?” Pastor Jack answers this question and many others in this 2-part series.
CD Album
$7.99 (USD)  

Love: A New Commandment

Picture of Love: A New Commandment
In ten studies, Pastor Jack looks at the qualities of God's love and how those qualities should be seen in the lives of believers.
CD Album
$24.99 (USD)  

Marriage Divorce & Remarriage

Picture of Marriage Divorce & Remarriage
Marriage, Divorce and Remarriage is a six-part study series comprehensively examining God's original intention and design for marriage. NOTE: the USB Flash drive includes the PDF study notes in PDF format.
USB Flash
$16.00 (USD)  
DVD Album
$29.99 (USD)  
CD Album
$29.99 (USD)  

Materialism: Stuck on Stuff

Picture of Materialism: Stuck on Stuff
Our society now thrives on what looks best, what looks newest. Well, you may be surprised to learn that this judgment based on looks is not an old concept, it’s in the Bible!
CD Album
$4.99 (USD)  

Moses and the Plagues of Egypt

Picture of Moses and the Plagues of Egypt
Pastor Jack explores and brings to life these stories as well as God’s incredible sovereign hand throughout it all.
CD Album
$9.99 (USD)  

Noah and the Flood

Picture of Noah and the Flood
Noah, famous for the ark, the animals, and the annihilation of the world brought by the judgment of God. But what made him stand out? How did mankind get to a place of great devastation across the earth?
CD Album
$7.99 (USD)  

Overcoming Depression

Picture of Overcoming Depression
What does God's Word have to say about depression, and having victory over it? Pastor Jack focuses on what the Lord’s promise is to us in the midst of our downcast souls.
CD Album
$4.99 (USD)